Thank you Daddy

Created by ANDREA one month ago
Thank you for saying it out loud. Thank you for letting me and wonderful my sister know that we reside together in your heart for always. Thank you for the tenderness, sincerity, openness and honesty you gifted us in your final days. 
Ours was a tumultuous journey together, but we managed to make it amazingly special.
I loved watching your close relationship with your father in his last years. You were always on an adventure together. I think part of you died with your father. You tried to become a recluse. But your true nature was far too gregarious to be stifled for long. This last couple of years you threw yourself into alternative therapies, meeting other people with cancer and becoming friends with the clients that frequented Lindsey Lodge Day Centre, all of which gave you great pleasure and also, I feel, an acceptance of your own cancer journey.
You were a massive personality.
You were the sun, just watching us all spin around you. You felt passionately about family and the unbreakable ties within the family unit.  You were extraordinarily and brutally honest, we all truly felt that you had no "filter" when it came to your comments, absolutely no tact whatsoever. 
Covid created a private daily FaceTime world for us. Some days serious, some days silly, sometimes just sitting, me in the garden with the birds singing, a pot of tea in the sunshine and you onscreen enjoying your own cuppa just enjoying the sounds of nature together. I did arts and crafts, created so many projects to include your opinions, choices and participation. Such precious moments in time to fend off loneliness and isolation in a time when the world was completely crazy with the pandemic.
Your final weeks were filled with compassion, love, humour and sincerity. High on morphine, completely pain-free we were astounded as the fun-loving family man reemerged. Only you could hold court and declare that you were having the best death ever! It was a complete privilege to be able to sit with you, hold your hand, seeing and hearing your words of comfort and gratitude and love as we all surrounded you as a family to share your peaceful and dignified exit from our world. 
Thank you for my life, and thank you for filling my children's lives with so much joy, happiness, giggles and fun. We have so many fantastic memories to share. 
You fought hard for your life, you managed to stay so much longer than we could ever have dreamed of. Your fight is over and I hope you are in peace, knowing you left us all feeling so much love.